Each day. Each year brings new insight.
I asked some friends to guess what the weight loss was from the first picture with the red shirt to the second picture with the white shirt. Lots of different numbers flowed in, with lots of different comments. The actual number? Zero. In fact, those two pictures were taken within less than 24 hours of each other. Truth.
I have thought a lot lately about projection and honesty.
Looking at the picture on the left and the one on the right, can you imagine what thoughts and feeling may harbor inside?
Definitively, of course not. But possible connection is made, right?
The truth is that my thoughts and emotions were literally a shit show in the second picture, and in the first, I felt grounded and thought I was pretty centered. I mentioned earlier that when I originally shared these pictures of myself I did so as a solicitation to a very precise question. A quantitative prediction, in fact. But, resoundingly, I received comments from these dear people about my appearance.
It got me thinking about the human process of connection and interpretation. Those images entered minds through eyes and were processed through each individual very individually. The comments made were a result of each person's own feelings and thoughts. It was their honest perceptions of me, based on their own wisdom.
My daily experiences bring new insight. As I make changes in my life and process my thoughts and feelings, I deepen the connections I have. The connections within myself have proven to be the most valuable. Allowing my heart and mind to partner up, and become better friends has been bumpy to say the least. However, as I observe and share more of myself with myself... the more I seem to understand the fluidity of reality.
One day - that is the amount of time that transpired from the first picture to the next. To me, when I look at these pictures of myself, I see and feel so much. And, as I gently observe these thoughts and feelings that convoy my insides... I am reminded of my human and divine nature and how that sacred connection propels me forward.